tailieunhanh - A Laboratory Course in C++Data Structures phần 4

Bước 3: Thực hiện kế hoạch kiểm tra của bạn. Nếu bạn phát hiện ra những sai lầm trong việc thực hiện chức năng delimitersOk, chính xác và thực hiện kế hoạch thử nghiệm một lần nữa. | 112 Laboratory 5 Step 3 Execute your test plan. If you discover mistakes in your implementation of the delimitersOk function correct them and execute the test plan again. Test Plan for the delimitersOk operation Test Case Commands Expected Result Checked Valid expression with parentheses Valid expression with mixed delimiters Invalid expression with mixed delimiters Empty expression Improperly paired brace 3 a b f 3 a b f b - c d 2 Empty string Newline a f b 3 true true false true Note The improperly matched delimiters are shown in bold. Stack ADT 113 Laboratory 5 Postlab Exercise 1 Name Date Section_ Given the input string abc which of the permutations of this string listed in part A can be output by a code fragment consisting of only the statement pairs cin ch ch and ch cout ch where ch is a character and permuteStack is a stack of characters Note that each of the statement pairs may be repeated several times within the code fragment and that the statement pairs may be in any order. For instance the code fragment cin ch ch cin ch ch cin ch ch ch cout ch ch cout ch ch cout ch outputs the string cba . Part A For each of the permutations listed below give a code fragment that outputs the permutation or a brief explanation of why the permutation cannot be produced. abc acb bac bca cab cba 114 Laboratory 5 Part B Given the input string abcd which four-character permutations beginning with the character d can be output by a code fragment of the form described above Why can only these permutations be produced