tailieunhanh - photoshop CS2 essential skills phần 10

Khi một hình dạng vector được hoàn thành, nó có thể được lưu hoặc lưu trữ như là một 'Custom Shape để sử dụng trong tương lai. Để tạo ra một hình dạng tùy chỉnh kéo công cụ Selection Tool Đường dẫn 'hay' Công cụ lựa chọn trực tiếp trên toàn bộ hình dạng | essential skills photoshopCS Existing actions can also be accessed and edited from within the actions palette. Open the Commands actionsset anddouble-clickonanyactiontoedit itskesboardshortcuti Acolor or kesstrokecombinationcanbeassisnedtotheactionsesL-ienceandtheorder or thecommands canberoartangedbydraggingthemtonewpos tionsinthepalette. Commands Frames Image Effects Production Text Effects Textures Wien the actions palette ts twitched to tbutton mode tt t t rmrmỄ ndSit nf t l r -rtwitt ttf it cjl dickor themoLise. By applyingtitferent cobrsto groupsor actionsthorethat per i l editins or n Ễ nt -m nt fflnctionscanbeeasilyidentitied frt mtt nm rit crlis t -s c o co co A Ặ A Downloading actions from the Net There ts a tarse and active t ormrmLsdtt or Phororhop users who regularly write and thare sophisticatediactions viatheNeti At ftrommany d e-em ty pesoractions i Afterdown load instheactionĩtị sì nsta liedí moth ePhoroshopCS Predetst PhoroshopActionsdirectory. After restartingPhoroshopthenewactionwili beattachedtotheiist oractionsintheactionspaletteandbereadytouse. Top tip Actioos aaenot oolyagreat waytospeedupregulaa tosOs theycơnơlsobeusedtomơkesurethơt e act tf esar eresu h csenbennserWieeceeoeeoiogcgreorcf fiee. c n cnelieerOeSMineClurroos nstioo deeoribedín toe toronal toaCc kai e sOpỉotóree I seoldCesoretOel cS th aCa s eis e c to aaa e s wooiabetOesome celoo s lue. 312 automatedfeatures Editinganaction PPic tc s S c pjinc lmiG sis c r eep rG -re c orc e d i c tic ns that canbeappliedor editedtosuit your own reduiremends. Additional actionccanbeioadedSromthepale-teoptioncorcteaCedifromsctaCch . Thededauit iSepiaToninc actionieavedtheiayeccusedtocteaCetheeffect indact bur theaction canbefurthec editedsothat theimageisflaCtenedaCtectheeCrect hasbeenappiied. lntheiliusttaCionabovetheSepiaactioniseditedbyfircS playingtheactionandthenclickingon thetecordbutton. WlentheactionisinfecordmodesimplyflaCtentheimagefromtheiayecs