tailieunhanh - High Cycle Fatigue: A Mechanics of Materials Perspective part 39

High Cycle Fatigue: A Mechanics of Materials Perspective part 39. The nomenclature used in this book may differ somewhat from what is considered standard or common usage. In such instances, this has been noted in a footnote. Additionally, units of measurement are not standard in many cases. While technical publications typically adhere to SI units these days, much of the work published by the engine manufacturers in the United States is presented using English units (pounds, inches, for example), because these are the units used as standard practice in that industry. The graphs and calculations came in those units and no attempt was made to convert. | 366 Effects of Damage on HCF Properties Figure . Predicted and experimental kf for FOD tests in the axial specimen geometry with a 50 impact angle. Figure . Predicted and experimental kf for FOD tests for a bending specimen with the sharp tip geometry. approaches such as the one based on q or kf to a wider range of notch geometries can lead to errors. For FOD as will be shown later changes in the residual stress states and material damage as severity of the impact increases make it even more difficult to extend the approaches described herein. Foreign Object Damage 367 Figure . Predicted and experimental kf for FOD tests for a bending specimen with the blunt tip geometry Figure . Predicted HCF capability vs the baseline fatigue behavior for as-FODed tests. . ANALYTICAL MODELING OF FOD Appendix G describes in detail both experimental and analytical simulation methods for the prediction and modeling of FOD. It describes some of the procedures that can be used to measure and predict the effects of FOD and gives current state-of-the-art examples of techniques and methodologies that are in use and or are being developed. In this section some analytical procedures and findings are described which relate to hard body FOD. More extensive studies and observations are contained within the Appendix. 368 Effects of Damage on HCF Properties Figure . Predicted HCF capability vs the baseline fatigue behavior for as-FODed tests with a stress relief cycle to minimize residual stresses. FOD depth mil Figure . Similar predicted HCF capability with q and Fs approaches for axial specimens with FOD. While experimental observations of FOD show wide variability with little or no change in impact conditions analytical modeling should be expected to provide more consistency. This is true only if the actual conditions occurring during FOD are modeled accurately. This is not always the case either analytically or experimentally. In particular the role of .