tailieunhanh - Mastering Autodesk Maya 2011 phần 10

Các bản đồ không gian Tangent xuất hiện màu xanh và màu tím từ hướng mà bình thường được uốn cong luôn luôn là tương đối so với bề mặt dọc theo trục z không gian tiếp xúc. Trục z tương ứng với các kênh màu xanh (XYZ = RGB). Sơ đồ đối tượng không gian, trên | 916 chapter 17 Mel scripting 2. In the Outliner select the blue_nParticle object and open its Attribute Editor to the blue_nParticleShape tab. 3. Scroll down and expand the Add Dynamic Attributes section below the Per Particle Array Attributes list. 4. Click the General button to open the Add Attribute window. 5. In the Add Attribute window switch to the Particle tab. 6. Scroll toward the bottom of the list and Ctrl click spriteNumPP spriteScaleXPP spriteScaleYPP and spriteTwistPP. The PP indicates that each attribute is a per-particle attribute see Figure . FIGURE Select the perparticle sprite attributes in the Add Attribute menu. 7. Click the Add button to add these attributes. The new attributes should appear in the Per Particle Array Attributes list. If they do not click the Load Attributes button at the bottom of the Attribute Editor to refresh the window. 8. Open the Script Editor and take a look at the history. At the top you ll see that the addAttr command is used to add the attributes to the blue_nParticleShape object. Notice that each attribute uses two addAttr commands to add the attribute see Figure . You can copy these lines of code and adapt them to the script based on what you ve learned so far. FIGURE The Script Editor reveals the syntax for adding the per-particle array attributes. curreneTlae 64 select -r biue_nParticie addAttr -In apriteWuaPP -dt doubleArray addAecr -In jpriteMunPPO -de doubleArray blue nPaeclcleShape. addAttr In opritcScalcXlT de doubieArray bluc_nl articlcShapc ndrlArrr -In npri rrfiealeXPPn -dr. rtnuhleArray blue nParMrleiihape addAeer -in spriceScaleYPP -de doubleAtray blue nParclcleShape addAttr In cpcxtcScalcYPPO dt doublcArray bluc_n articlcShapc -In npr IIj -til. iluublrAt r ny blur nPn addAecr -In speieeTtrisePPO -de doubleAxray blue nPaeelcleShape mel scripting techniques 917 9. Edit the file so it reads as follows create an .

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