tailieunhanh - Giáo án Anh văn lớp 11 - Unit 12 - Period 102

Tham khảo tài liệu 'giáo án anh văn lớp 11 - unit 12 - period 102', tài liệu phổ thông, tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Lesson Plan grade 11 - advanced Period 102 Preparation date 11 3 2008 Unit12 Lesson Language Focus- grammar I. Aims - By the end of the lesson the students are able to form related words. - By the end of the lesson the students are able to understand and use cleft sentences. - By the end of the lesson the students know how to use both. and and not only. but also. II. Lexical items -label - purify - profit -inclusive -satisfy - creativity III. Structures - It is dogs that are faithful animals. - She is not only beautiful but also intelligent. - He explained both the causes of the war and its results. IV. Teaching aids - textbook - handouts - pieces of paper - chalk and board V. Techniques writing-based communicative approach. VI. Procedures State time Teacher s and students activities Blackboard Materials 1. warm- uP 7 Game Dominoes. - put SS into pairs. -Give students A a set of word cards dominoes and student B a set of meaning cards dominoes . appendix - Tell to shuffle and hold the cards in their hands so that their partners cannot see the contents on the cards. - Ask SS to draw straws for who goes first. -The student who is to start the game lays one domino face up on the table. His or her partner lays a domino is laid he she then lays any domino from his or her hand for the other to match. Play continues until as many dominoes possible have been laid. -After five minutes pair off SS to speak out the answers. For example when one -Pictures - chalk and board student calls out please and at the same time holds the card up another assigned student has to call out its meaning and raise the corresponding card. -Then get SS to stick the cards up on the board. -Invite class opinions and give feedback. Transition -Tell SS that today they re going to learn more about these compound nouns and other grammar points. - T writes down on the board Unit 12 Language Focus 2. word study 12 Word derivation -Elicit words related to the verbs on the board i e get SS to give the .