tailieunhanh - Learning AutoCAD 2010, Volume 1 phần 5

Trong bài tập này tập, bạn sử dụng các tùy chọn lựa chọn bao gồm trước, trước, Tất cả, và Hủy bỏ. Trước tiên, bạn bắt đầu bằng cách vẽ đường và hình tròn như thể hiện. 1. Vẽ một số đường dây và vòng tròn. 3. Sao chép một hoặc một số đối tượng trong bản vẽ của bạn, đặt chúng ngẫu nhiên được hiển thị dưới đây. | Practice Exercise Other Selection Options In this practice exercise you use selection options that include Last Previous All and Remove. First you begin by drawing several lines and circles as shown. 1. Draw some lines and circles. 4. 2. Practice using the Last selection option Begin the Erase command. At the Select object prompt enter L and press ENTER. Notice that the last object drawn is highlighted. Press ENTER to execute the command. Copy one or several objects in your drawing placing them randomly as shown below. Repeat the copy command and try the Previous select object option Begin the Copy command. At the Select object prompt enter P and press ENTER. Notice the previous selection you made is selected again. Press ESC to escape the Copy command. Note that your last object drawn may be different than the one shown above. Lesson Selecting Objects in the Drawing 171 5. Practice selecting all objects then remove an object from the selection set Begin the Erase command. At the Select object prompt enter ALL and press ENTER only once . Notice all the objects are highlighted. Hold down the SHIFT key and select a single item from the selection set. Notice that it is no longer highlighted. Press ENTER to complete the Erase command. Note that you can enter R and ENTER to remove the objects from the selection set. Enter A to add objects into the selection set. 172 Chapter 3 Manipulating Objects Exercise Select Objects In this exercise you use selection methods to erase objects in the drawing. You will be able to use these same methods to create selection sets in other drawings. 3. The completed exercise Completing the Exercise To complete the exercise follow the steps in this book or in the onscreen exercise. In the onscreen list of chapters and exercises click Chapter 3 Manipulating Objects. Click Exercise Select Objects. 4. 1. 2. Open . Zoom into the area shown in the following image. Erase using the Implied Window selection option then remove