chẳng hạn như gây ra sản xuất cytokine (Bruger, Torres, Warren, Caldwell, & Hughes, 1997) hoặc tăng cường chức năng miễn dịch tế bào của các tế bào đơn nhân máu ngoại vi (Xem Broumand, Sahl, Tilles, 1997). Trong các đánh giá, Barrett et al. (1999) làm nổi bật dif "culty so sánh các nghiên cứu nghiên cứu | Other Common Healing Approaches 599 system Gunning 1999 such as inducing cytokine production Bruger Torres Warren Caldwell Hughes 1997 or enhancing cellular immune function of peripheral blood mononuclear cells See Broumand Sahl Tilles 1997 . In their review Barrett et al. 1999 highlight the dif culty in comparing the research studies because different species are studied and there are no universally accepted standardization procedures. Garlic Although commonly considered a food substance garlic Allium sativum is a commonly prescribed supplemental herb for the treatment of high cholesterol. Allicin is considered the active compound found in the garlic bulb. Many of the studies investigate Kwai garlic powder tablets because it is standardized for alliin content by weight . While Kleijnen Knipschild and ter Riet 1989 suggest that early studies on the ef cacy of garlic were methodologically awed more recent studies suggest garlic is effective in treating hypercholesterolaemia. Two meta-analyses Silagy Neil 1994 Warshafsky Kamer Sivak 1993 suggest that garlic reduces the high serum cholesterol levels considered to be a risk factor for coronary artery disease. Warshafsky et al. 1993 found 13 studies to meet their methodological criteria and meta-analytic results suggested that garlic signi cantly lowered cholesterol levels by about 9 in the experimental groups as compared to placebo. The results of Silagy and Neil s 1994 meta-analysis of the 16 trials meeting their standards for methodological quality found that garlic lowered serum cholesterol over one to three months and did not produce signi cantly more adverse effects. While several authors Isaacsohn et al. 1998 Jain Vargas Gotzkowsky McMahon 1993 criticized these early meta-analytic nd-ings more recent randomized controlled trials have found garlic to reduce ratios of serum total cholesterol Adler Holub 1997 and decrease low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in healthy men Jain et al. 1993 Steiner Khan Holbert .