rất có thể đại diện cho các xung đột hiện nay giữa quan điểm truyền thống hơn nhiều vai trò có một tác động tiêu cực về một người phụ nữ • sức khỏe và tương đối gần đây" ndings cho thấy nhiều vai trò có thể dẫn đến ảnh hưởng sức khỏe tích cực. Hai lý thuyết chính phục vụ như là một cơ sở cho một phần lớn các nghiên cứu | 530 Women s Health Psychology contradictory ndings likely representing the current clash between more traditional views that multiple roles have a negative impact on a woman s health and relatively recent ndings that suggest multiple roles can result in positive health effects. The two primary theories that serve as a basis for a great majority of the research examining multiple roles are the scarcity hypothesis Goode 1960 and the enhancement or expansion hypothesis Marks 1977 Sieber 1974 . Whereas the scarcity hypothesis suggests that the more roles occupied by a woman the more likely she is to deplete her limited resources resulting in negative consequences for her health and well-being Goode 1960 the enhancement hypothesis suggests that multiple roles result in greater access to resources . social support nancial rewards and increased likelihood for role balance Marks 1977 Sieber 1974 . These two main theories differ in their perspective on the relationship between multiple roles and women s health The scarcity hypothesis portends that multiple roles produce deleterious mental and physical health effects stress and cause con ict in balancing roles related to work and family while the enhancement hypothesis suggests that engaging in multiple roles is protective and provides positive physical and psychological health bene ts for many women. To illustrate the opposing views offered by these two theories we present a summary of empirical research relevant to women s roles as employee and caregiver and the respective health advantages and disadvantages associated with each. The Employment Role Approximately half of the current . labor force consists of women and although not equally represented in top-level and more traditional male positions women hold a wide range of jobs that expose them to stress and health risks Bond Galinsky Swanberg 1998 . Burke 1988 identi- ed long work hours stressful job conditions high work demands the number and ages of children at