kiên trì của các rối loạn giấc ngủ có thể ngăn ngừa hoặc trì hoãn phục hồi từ trầm cảm (Kennedy, Kelman, Thomas, 1991). Cuối cùng, có bằng chứng rằng trầm cảm có thể được cả hai yếu tố nguy cơ cho chứng mất ngủ và hậu quả tiềm năng của chứng mất ngủ mãn tính. Vollrath et al. | CHAPTER 17 Irritable Bowel Syndrome EDWARD B. BLANCHARD AND LAURIE KEEFER DEFINITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND ASSESSMENT ISSUES 393 Clinical Criteria 393 Epidemiology 395 Psychological Distress 396 IBS Patient versus IBS Nonpatient 397 The Role of Life Stress 398 Role of Sexual and Physical Abuse in IBS 399 General Comments 400 RECURRENT ABDOMINAL PAIN IN CHILDREN 400 Prevalence 400 Etiology 401 Psychosocial Factors and RAP 401 Treatment of RAP 402 General Comments 403 PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF IBS 403 Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy 403 Hypnotherapy 404 Cognitive and Behavioral Treatments 404 General Comments 406 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 407 REFERENCES 408 In this chapter we discuss de nitional and epidemiological issues and summarize information on various psychosocial issues in IBS describe and discuss recurrent abdominal pain RAP a possible developmental precursor of IBS and review the literature on psychological treatments of IBS focusing primarily on what is known from randomized controlled trials. DEFINITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND ASSESSMENT ISSUES Irritable bowel syndrome IBS previously known as spastic colon z is one of several functional disorders diagnosed by gastroenterologists GI . Functional gastrointestinal GI disorders in general are persistent clusters of GI symptoms which do not have their basis in identi ed structural or biochemical abnormalitiesz Maunder 1998 . IBS falls into the subset of a functional bowel disorder which also includes functional diarrhea functional constipation functional bloating and unspeci ed functional bowel disorder Drossman Corrazziari Talley Thompson Whitehead 2000 . Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by a grant from NIDDK DK-54211. Requests for further information should be addressed to either author at Center for Stress and Anxiety Disorders 1535 Western Avenue Albany NY 12203. Irritable bowel syndrome has been de ned and rede ned by the GI community over the years however two diagnostic .