tailieunhanh - InDesign CS4 for Dummies phần 9

bạn nhận được hộp thoại PDF Đặt, trong đó có hai tấm. (Cả hai hộp thoại được thể hiện trong hình 17-3) Không có tùy chọn nhập khẩu có sẵn cho Windows Metafile hoặc Enhanced Metafile đồ họa. Illustrator CS thông qua CS4 sử dụng PDF là định dạng tập tin gốc của họ, mặc dù phần mở rộng tên tập tin là. Ai. | Chapter 21 Working with Automatic Text 333 Title case means that the first letter of each word is capitalized while Sentence Case means that only the first letter of the first word in each sentence is capitalized. Figure 21-1 At left the Text Variables dialog box. At right the New Text Variable dialog box. Editing and managing text variables Editing text variables is very much like creating them Just select the variable to change and click Edit in the Text Variables dialog box. You get the Edit Text Variable dialog box which is identical except for its name to the New Text Variable dialog box covered in the previous section. You can also import text variables from other documents by clicking Load in the Text Variables dialog box and then choosing the document to import the variables from. After choosing a document you get the Load Text Variables dialog box where you can select which variables are imported and handle name conflicts. To get rid of a text variable select it from the list in the Text Variables dialog box and click Delete. To convert a text variable in your document to the actual text highlight it and either choose Type Text Variables Convert Variable to Text or if you happen to be in the Text Variables dialog box click Convert to Text. 334 Part VI Getting Down to Business_ Inserting text variables Inserting text variables in your document uses the same essential process as inserting a special character such as a section marker except you use the Text Variables menu option Choose Type Text Variables Insert Variable and then choose the desired variable from the submenu. If you happen to be in the Text Variables dialog box click Insert. Using Conditional Text Have you ever worked on a document that has variations forcing you to create separate copies that you must then ensure have any changes applied to all copies Perhaps you used the layers feature see Chapter 5 to restrict the unique content to its own layer so that you