tailieunhanh - How to Make Animated Films phần 9

Nội thất thường được thống trị bởi một nguồn sáng lớn, đặc biệt là nếu một ánh sáng duy nhất là để soi sáng hiện trường. Tuy nhiên, tùy thuộc vào các bề mặt và các nguồn ánh sáng thứ cấp có quá, có thể có được một thỏa thuận tuyệt vời của ánh sáng và bóng bật sẽ sửa đổi kịch bản ban đầu. | How to Make Animated Films Interiors are often dominated by a major light source especially if a single light is on to illumine the scene. However depending on surfaces and secondary light sources that are there too there could be a great deal of bounced light and shade that will modify this initial scenario. Starkly sketched shadows suggest moonlight flooding into a darkened room through a window. Source DigiPen student art by Brian Kent. The same shot but this time light by a softer interior illumination. Source DigiPen student art by Brian Kent. 380 Backgrounds and Environments Perspective and Lines of Focus Pretty much all backgrounds will involve some kind of perspective. This is true both for exteriors and interiors. A starkly lit bleached scene invoking a strong unforgiving sunlit effect. Note how the acute perspective draws us into the center of the shot where the character is. Source DigiPen student art by Nick Wiley. Panning background layout illustrating interior perspective. Source Endangered Species. The most powerful compositions of all however are where the lines of perspective or any other directional lines within the background layout converge to a specific location in the shot. This location is ideally the point where the animated action is going on fully exploiting these graphic dynamics. 381 How to Make Animated Films See how the perspective on the feet draws us toward the distant desk. Source Early animatic color sketch Endangered Species. Verticals in Panning Shots If you need to create a long horizontal background for a panning shot avoid too many verticals especially closely spaced verticals This is because there will be the risk of a significant amount of strobing jittery flickering . This is especially likely if the distance the vertical lines are apart corresponds very closely to the panning distance the artwork is moved frame by frame. Excellent environment work but could cause strobing problems with poor camerawork decisions due to so .