tailieunhanh - How to Make Animated Films phần 6

Cuối cùng, bạn cần phải có vật chất nhiều hơn bạn có thể có thể sử dụng. Vì vậy, bắt đầu giảm bớt xuống suy nghĩ của bạn chỉ là những người mạnh nhất, hoặc những kết với nhau tốt nhất trong một chuỗi các sự kiện, mà đỉnh cao trong một cốt truyện kết luận giải quyết tất cả mọi thứ. | How to Make Animated Films Eventually you should have more material than you can possibly use. So begin to whittle down your thoughts to just the strongest ones or the ones that hang together best in a sequence of events culminating in a storyline conclusion that resolves everything. Remember that conventionally at least the audience will expect a setup establishing sequence that presents the normal world of your central character. Next one or more things will change or go wrong in that world. Next the character will have to find ways of resolving or overcoming the changes that he or she are threatened or challenged by. Then the character will reach an ultimate conclusion that will provide a resolution in his or her world as well as in the minds of the audience. If you can achieve all this with your idea then you are set to go at least to the next stage which is the script. More resolved ideas in an early thumbnail storyboard format. Source DigiPen student art by Greg Attick. There are no magical secrets to the technical aspects of scriptwriting. Essentially a scripted story is broken down into definable sections a new scene slug line its action content any character dialog and narration that the scene may contain and then the mode of transition that the scene requires to take it to the next scene. The following figure shows a typical example of a scripted scene. 224 Exploring Ideas Storytelling and Scriptwriting horizon for sign of the Bag-bird and little Peter. Seeing none he determinedly places his hat on his head again and enters the house. to think up another ingenious way of saving his precious little Peter. FADE TO BLACK. CAPTION SECOND ADVENTURE THE SEA-SERPENT FADE TO INSIDE OF LUBIN S WORKSHOP. The place is a veritable Alladdin s Cave of quirky inventions failed ideas and gadgets. Amidst the chaos is Uncle Lubin who is putting the finishing touches to an amazingly bizarre boat. HEATH ROBINSON Poor Uncle Lubin soon got over his disappointments and made up