MODELING Ô NHIỄM KHÔNG KHÍ ĐÔ THỊ Giới thiệu mô hình đô thị không khí ô nhiễm cho phép lập dự toán định lượng nồng độ chất gây ô nhiễm không khí bằng cách liên hệ những thay đổi trong tỷ lệ phát thải của chất gây ô nhiễm từ các nguồn khác nhau và các điều kiện khí tượng với nồng độ quan sát thấy của những chất gây ô nhiễm. Nhiều mô hình được sử dụng để đánh giá việc đạt được và duy trì các tiêu chuẩn chất lượng không khí, quy hoạch đô thị, phân tích tác. | U URBAN AIR POLLUTION MODELING INTRODUCTION Urban air pollution models permit the quantitative estimation of air pollutant concentrations by relating changes in the rate of emission of pollutants from different sources and meteorological conditions to observed concentrations of these pollutants. Many models are used to evaluate the attainment and maintenance of air quality standards urban planning impact analysis of existing or new sources and forecasting of air pollution episodes in urban areas. A mathematical air pollution model may serve to gain insight into the relation between meteorological elements and air pollution. It may be likened to a transfer function where the input consists of both the combination of weather conditions and the total emission from sources of pollution and the output is the level of pollutant concentration observed in time and space. The mathematical model takes into consideration not only the nature of the source whether distributed or point sources and concentrations at the receptors but also the atmospheric processes that take place in transforming the concentrations at the source of emission into those observed at the receptor or monitoring station. Among such processes are photochemical action adsorption both on aerosols and ground objects and of course eddy diffusion. There are a number of areas in which a valid and practical model may be of considerable value. For example the operators of an industrial plant that will emit sulfur dioxide want to locate it in a particular community. Knowing the emission rate as a function of time the distribution of wind speeds wind direction and atmospheric stability the location of SO2-sensitive industrial plants and the spatial distribution of residential areas it is possible to calculate the effect the new plant will have on the community. In large cities such as Chicago Los Angeles or New York during strong anticyclonic conditions with light winds and low dispersion rates pollution levels .
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