Khí nhà kính TÁC GIỚI THIỆU khả năng mà con người tạo ra lượng khí thải carbon dioxide và tia hồng ngoại khí khác hấp thụ có thể tăng cường hiệu ứng nhà kính tự nhiên và dẫn đến sự nóng lên của những thay đổi không khí và tiếp viên trong các tham số khí hậu khác như lượng mưa, tuyết và băng bao gồm, độ ẩm đất và mực nước biển tăng lên, tạo thành có lẽ phức tạp và gây tranh cãi nhất của tất cả các vấn đề môi trường và một trong đó là có khả. | GREENHOUSE GASES EFFECTS INTRODUCTION The possibility that man-made emissions of carbon dioxide and other infra-red absorbing gases may enhance the natural greenhouse effect and lead to a warming of the atmosphere and attendant changes in other climate parameters such as precipitation snow and ice cover soil moisture and sea-level rise constitutes perhaps the most complex and controversial of all environmental issues and one that is likely to remain high on both the scientific and political agenda for a decade or more. The issues have been obscured by a good deal of exaggeration and distortion by the media and by some scientists so that governments the public and scientists in other disciplines are confused and sceptical about the evidence for global warming and the credibility of the predictions for the future. Until very recently the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide had been increasing and accelerating since regular measurements began in 1958. Only during the last few years has there been a levelling off probably because of the world-wide recession the run-down of industry in the former Soviet bloc and the substitution of gas for coal. This pause is likely to be only temporary and if the concentrations resume their upward trend they will eventually lead to significant climate changes. The important questions concern the likely magnitude and timing of these events. Are they likely to be so large and imminent as to warrant immediate remedial action or are they likely to be sufficiently small and delayed that we can live with them or adapt to them Careful reconstruction of historical records of near-surface air temperatures and sea-surface temperatures has revealed that globally-averaged annual mean temperatures have risen about since 1860 see Figure 1 . There is general consensus among climatolologists that this can now confidently be ascribed to enhanced greenhouse warming rather than to natural fluctuations. The last decade has been the warmest
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