tailieunhanh - Microsoft Press computer dictionary fifth edition phần 4

Đồ họa máy tính Metafile cung cấp một ngôn ngữ chung để mô tả các tập tin như vậy liên quan đến tiêu chuẩn GKS. Viết tắt: CGM. Xem cũng hệ thống hạt nhân đồ họa. máy tính độc lập ngôn ngữ n. Một ngôn ngữ máy tính được thiết kế để độc lập của bất kỳ nền tảng phần cứng nhất định. | I e n. The symbol for the base of the natural logarithm . Introduced by Leonhard Euler in the mid-eighteenth century e is a fundamental mathematical constant used in calculus science engineering and programming languages as in logarithmic and exponential functions in C and Basic. e- prefix Short for electronic. A prefix indicating that a word refers to the computer-based version of some traditionally nonelectronic term as e-mail e-commerce and e-money. E- prefix See exa-. E3 n. Acronym for Electronic Entertainment Expo. A major convention where game industry developers manufacturers and publishers demonstrate their latest wares. EAI n. Acronym for Enterprise Application Integration. The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs databases and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient business-wide system. early binding n. See static binding. EAROM n. Acronym for electrically alterable read-only memory. See EEPROM. Easter egg n. A hidden feature of a computer program. It may be a hidden command an animation a humorous message or a list of credits for the people who developed the program. In order to display an Easter egg a user often must enter an obscure series of keystrokes. eavesdropper n. See lurker. EBCDIC n. Acronym for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. An IBM code that uses 8 bits to represent 256 possible characters including text numbers punctuation marks and transmission control characters. It is used primarily in IBM mainframes and minicomputers. Compare ASCII. e-bomb n. Short for e-mail bomb. A technique used by some hackers in which a target is put on a large number of mailing lists so that network traffic and storage are tied up by e-mail sent by other mailing list subscribers to the lists recipients. e-book n. Format allowing books and other large texts to be downloaded from a Web site and viewed digitally. Typically reading an e-book requires using a small computer