XỬ LÝ NƯỚC GIỚI THIỆU nước, tất nhiên, được sử dụng cho nhiều mục đích liên quan đến hoạt động của con người. Trong trạng thái tự nhiên của nó, nó xảy ra và trên mặt đất trong hồ chứa dưới bề mặt và bề mặt. Chất lượng và độ tin cậy của một nguồn nước sẽ thay đổi đáng kể, cả về thời gian và không gian. Điều này có nghĩa rằng các đặc điểm (hóa học, vật lý và sinh học) sẽ khác nhau rất nhiều tùy thuộc vào vị trí và loại nguồn. Nó cũng có nghĩa là. | WATER TREATMENT INTRODUCTION Water of course is used for many purposes associated with human activity. In its natural state it occurs in and on the ground in subsurface and surface reservoirs. The quality and reliability of a source of water will vary considerably both in time and space. This means that characteristics chemical physical and biological will differ greatly depending upon the location and type of source. It also means that a given source may vary over the seasons of the year. Thus in the selection of a water source consideration is usually given to the use to which the water will ultimately be put so as to minimize the cost of treatment. Simultaneously consideration must be given to the reliability of the source to provide an accurate and constant source of supply. It will be seen later in this section that a groundwater supply may enjoy the benefit of requiring little or no treatment while a surface supply such as a river pond or lake may require considerable and perhaps seasonally varying treatment. However a surface supply is visible and therefore more reliable whereas a groundwater supply may just disappear with no warning or notice. In certain areas freshwater is so scarce that the source must be accepted and choices are not available. The history of water treatment dates back to the early Egyptian civilizations where the murky waters of the Nile River were held in large open basins to allow the mud to settle out. The earliest archeological records of a piped water supply and wastewater disposal system date back some five thousand years to Nippur of In the Nippur ruins there exists an arched drain with an extensive system of drainage from palaces and residences to convey wastes to the outskirts of the city. Water was drawn through a similar system from wells and cisterns. The earliest records of water treatment appear in the Sanskrit medical lore and Egyptian wall Writings from about 2000 BC describe how to purify foul .

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