tailieunhanh - Woven Fabric Engineering Part 11

Tham khảo tài liệu 'woven fabric engineering part 11', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Woven Fabrics and Ultraviolet Protection 281 products. The UPF value which is placed on a garment needs to be the lowest protection value expected during consumer use over a two-year period. The calculation of fabric UPF value and the protection classification Table 3 are similar as described in AS NZS standard. The fabric is not labelled as sun or UV-protective if the calculated UPF value is less than 15. If it is greater than 50 only 50 is placed on the label. Label shall contain following elements a UPF value a classification category a statement that the UV-protective textile product has been labelled according to the ASTM D 6603 standard guide and some other elements which are not obligatory as previous mentioned elements. 4. Woven fabric constructional parameters Woven fabric is a flat product which consists of several interlaced thread systems oriented in different direction. Regarding the orientation of threads following woven fabrics are known bi-axial tri-axial and tetra-axial. Biaxial woven fabric has at least two orthogonal thread systems lengthways - warp thread system warp and transversal - weft thread system weft . In addition to the woven fabric classification by technology and type of weave this chapter is focused on biaxial fabrics with a one warp and one weft thread system. In the phase of a new product development woven fabrics are engineered to fit desired end-use properties with minimum production costs not only by real but also by trial production. End-use properties strongly depend on several woven fabric constructional parameters which can be defined in general and particular manner Dubrovski Sujica 1995 . In general woven fabric constructional parameters refer to the parameters of raw material type of fibre dimensional and physical properties - length specific density crosssection shape fineness fibre crimp etc. mechanical properties - stress strain elastic recovery module resilience stiffness flexibility abrasion resistance etc. sorptive