tailieunhanh - Air Pollution Part 9

Tham khảo tài liệu 'air pollution part 9', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Biosystems for Air Protection 193 Otten L. Afzal Mainville . 2004 . Biofiltration of odours laboratory studies using butyric acid. Advances in Environmental Research No. 8 pp. 397-409 Pacheco . Barros . Freitas . Reis . Hipo lito C. Oliveira . 2002 . An evaluation of olive-tree bark for the biological monitoring of airborne traceelements at ground level. Environmental Pollution No. 120 pp. 79-86 Packer M. 2009 . Algal capture of carbon dioxide biomass generation as a tool for greenhouse gas mitigation with reference to New Zealand energy strategy and policy. Energy Policy Vol. 37 3428-3437 Piritsos . Loppi S. 2008 . Biomonitoring atmospheric pollution the challenge of times in environmental policy on air quality. Environmental Pollution No. 151 pp. 269-271 Rodriguez-Mozaz S. Lopez de Alda . Marco M-P. Barcel D. 2005 . Biosensors for environmental monitoring. A global perspective. Talanta No. 65 pp. 291-297 Schroeder W. Pesch R. 2007 . Synthesizing bioaccumulation data from the German metals in mosses surveys and relating them to ecoregions. Science and the Total Environment No. 372 pp. 311-327 Shakya K. Chettri . Sawidis T. 2004 . Appraisal of some mosses for biomonitoring airborne heavy metals. Ecoprint. An International Journal of Ecology Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 35-49 Sierra E. Acien . Fernandez . Garcia . Gonzalez C. Molina E. 2008 . Characterization of a flat plate photobioreactor for the production of microalgae. Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 138 136-147 Stuart C. Hessami M-A. 2005 . A study of methods of carbon dioxide capture and sequestration-the sustainability of a photosynthetic bioreactor approach. Energy Conversion and Management Vol. 46 403-420 Suh . Lee C-G. 2003 . Photobioreactor engineering Design and performance. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol. 8 313-321 Sung . Lee . Shin . Park . 1999 . Isolation of a new highly CO2 tolerant fresh water microalga Chlorella sp. KR-1. Renewable .