tailieunhanh - High Cycle Fatigue: A Mechanics of Materials Perspective part 25

High Cycle Fatigue: A Mechanics of Materials Perspective part 25. The nomenclature used in this book may differ somewhat from what is considered standard or common usage. In such instances, this has been noted in a footnote. Additionally, units of measurement are not standard in many cases. While technical publications typically adhere to SI units these days, much of the work published by the engine manufacturers in the United States is presented using English units (pounds, inches, for example), because these are the units used as standard practice in that industry. The graphs and calculations came in those units and no attempt was made to convert. | 226 Effects of Damage on HCF Properties out that close to the fatigue limit under HCF blunt notches and sharp notches behave differently in respect to their crack-growth mechanisms. When notches act like cracks the mechanism leading to a fatigue limit is the growth of small cracks from the notch tip which may become non-propagating cracks. The criterion for the fatigue limit is the onset of crack propagation from an arrested crack and not crack initiation. Taylor 14 points out that these cracks are always short cracks and they arrest because their threshold values increase faster than the applied stress intensity. This occurs in general under a stress field involving steep stress gradients such as at the tip of a very sharp notch. For a plain or blunt-notched specimen on the other hand non-propagating cracks are not found especially for very short crack lengths. Taylor goes on to attribute the fatigue limit in such geometries to the arrest of cracks at a grain boundary the arrest defining the fatigue limit. This is a material-based limit according to Miller 15 rather than a limit based on the mechanics of the notch. A numerical example can be used to show the effects of notch geometry on fatigue strength. To illustrate the effect of very small notches on the fatigue strength the formulas of Peterson for kt and Neuber for kf are plotted in Figure for two different values of the material parameter aN and for three different values of notch depth d dimensions of the notch and the material parameter aN are in arbitrary units . The reciprocal fatigue strength Figure . Fatigue notch factor as a function of kt for increasingly small notches. Constants n and notch depth d are for Neuber equation for kf and Peterson equation for kt. Notch Fatigue 227 1 kf is plotted against kt and the curve representing kf kt is shown as the bottom thick line curve. The higher the curve as kf approaches unity the less is the effect of the notch on the smooth bar fatigue strength. .