tailieunhanh - Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks
Anyone interested in the relation between cultural production and consumption and the development of Free and Open Software (FOSS) will want to read these essays by Open Source pioneer Felix Stalder, the first research to be published within the "Note Book" project by . Stalder observes that culture can be approached as object-oriented or exchange-oriented, and believes that Open Source eventually leads to a more open society. | Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks Felix Stalder Q Author Felix stalder Title Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks Editor New Media Center_ Editorial series This book is published as part of the The Note Book project initiated by New Media in 2005. Translations Orfeas Skutelis Nikolina Knezevic Akos Gerold Proof reading texts in English language Fiona Thorn Proof reading texts in Serbian language Milica Skutelis Branka Curcic Design Predrag Nikolic and Lithography and Print Futura Novi Sad Print run 500 Leading publisher and local distribution Futura publikacije Novi Sad Serbia and Montenegro ISBN 86-7188-049-4 Co-publisher Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art SCCA Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Co-publisher and the main distributor Revolver - Archiv fur aktuelle Kunst Fahrgasse 23 D - 60311 Frankfurt am Main tel. 49 0 69 44 63 62 fax 49 0 69 94 41 24 51 mail info@ url ISBN 3-86588-211-0 @ All texts are published under Creative Commons license unless otherwise indicated. The license is Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike http licenses by-nc-sa 5 7 12 19 23 30 45 49 56 62 66 71 79 87 88 89 91 Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks Content The Note Book Project introduction by Introduction by Felix stalder OPEN CULTURES The Stuff of Culture Open Source Open Society Culture Without Commodities From Dada to Open Source and Beyond Cultural Innovation Between Copyleft Creative Commons and Public Domain Sharing and Hoarding Are the Digital Commons Tragic The Age of Media Autonomy One-size-doesn t-fit-all THE NATURE OF NETWORKS Information Ecology Fragmented Places and Open Societies The Status of Objects in the Space of Flows Global Financial Markets and the Bias of Networks List of Sources Credits for the Illustrations in the Book Biography of the Author and the Editor Production and Support The Note Book Project series New Media

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