tailieunhanh - Linux For Dummies 6th Edition phần 4

Không chọn Sử dụng các phân vùng hiện tại - nếu tùy chọn này thậm chí còn có sẵn trừ khi bạn đã đi trước và thiết lập phân vùng của máy trước thời hạn. Thông thường, bạn muốn một trong các tùy chọn khác. Nếu bạn đang đem lại cho qua một toàn bộ ổ cứng cho Linux, sau đó chọn đĩa Xóa Toàn bộ. | 120 Part I Getting Your Feet Wet__ When you open the Knoppix main menu you re faced with an impressive amount of software when you consider that it s all got to run off of a single CD-ROM. This main menu includes Recently Used Applications The recent programs you opened using the menu so that you don t have to go digging for them again. Development Software development tools. Editors Various text editors. Edutainment Educational games. Emulators Software used to emulate other platforms. Games Lots of games. Graphics Image editors. Help The help menu. Internet Internet-related software. KNOPPIX Knoppix-specific menus. Multimedia Sound video and other multimedia software. Office Various office productivity programs. The office suite see Chapter 17 . Settings Various system settings. System System and administration tools. Toys Silly but fun stuff. Utilities More interesting tools. Find Files The search program. Help The help interface. Home The Konqueror file manager open to your home directory. WINE The Windows software handler see Chapter 19 . Bookmarks Bookmarks you ve set in your Web browser s . Quick Browser Quick way to open various points in your filesystem in Konqueror see Chapter 11 . Run Command An interface for starting programs by hand. Lock Screen The same as the lock screen application in Table 6-2. Logout Log out of your account reboot the machine or shut it down. Chapter 6 Checking Out Those Desktops 121 .inspire KDE The default Linspire desktop is shown in Figure 6-6. From top to bottom the desktop icons you see on your default installation are shown in Table 6-5. Some of these icons are similar or identical to what you find in Knoppix KDE and others depend on what hardware you have on your system such as the CD-RW DVD-ROM item in the table . Table 6-5 The Linspire Desktop Icons Icon Name What It Launches My Computer The Konqueror file manager with a list