tailieunhanh - Household Survey of Behavioural Risks and HIV Sero-Status in two districts in Botswana

This report presents the findings of the Behavioural Risks and HIV Sero-Status Survey (BSS) for the Central Serowe Sub-district and Kweneng District in Botswana. The purpose of the survey was to determine the knowledge, attitudes, sexual behaviours, practices, prevention, care and support issues concerning HIV/AIDS among the population in the Central Serowe Sub-district and Kweneng District. Specifically, the survey quantified HIV prevalence, sexual risk behaviours and other practices among adults and children | Household survey of behavioural risks and HIV sero-status in two districts in Botswana Free download from GN Tsheko LW Odirile K Bainame M Segwabe PS Nair O Ntshebe TRUST FUND . KELLOGG 1OUNDA HON From Vision io Innovahvl IMHACI Free download from Research report prepared by the Human Sciences Research Council HSRC and the Nelson Mandela Children s Fund NMCF for the strategy of the WK Kellogg Foundation WKKF for the care of orphans and vulnerable children OVC in Botswana South Africa and Zimbabwe in commemoration of the WKKF s 75 th anniversary. Published by HSRC Press Private Bag X9182 Cape Town 8000 South Africa First published 2007 ISBN 978-0-7969-2196-3 2007 Human Sciences Research Council Copyedited by David Le Page Typeset by Janco Yspeert Cover design by Oryx Media Cover photo Tessa Frootko Gordon iAfrika Photos Print management by Compress Distributed in Africa by Blue Weaver Tel 27 0 21 701 4477 Fax 27 0 21 701 7302 Distributed in Europe and the United Kingdom by Eurospan Distribution Services EDS Tel 44 0 20 7240 0856 Fax 44 0 20 7379 0609 bookstore Distributed in North America by Independent Publishers Group IPG Call toll-free 800 888 4741 Fax 1 312 337 5985 CONTENTS Free download from Acknowledgements iv Tables v Abbreviations and acronyms vi Executive summary vii Charter I Introduction I Prevalence of HIV AIDS in Botswana 1 Background to the OVC project 1 Purpose of the BSS Survey 2 Objectives of the study 2 Charter 2 Literature review 3 Behavioural risks for HIV AIDS in Botswana 3 Charter 3 Methodology 7 The original BAIS II Survey 7 The Botswana BSS methodology 8 Charter 4 Findings Central Serowe District 9 Demographic characteristics 9 HIV prevalence 10 HIV knowledge and attitudes 11 HIV risk behaviour 12 Substance abuse 13 Awareness of and access to social and medical services 14 Human rights and HIV AIDS .