tailieunhanh - Apress - Smart Home Automation with Linux (2010)- P59

Apress - Smart Home Automation with Linux (2010)- P59:Linux users can now control their homes remotely! Are you a Linux user who has ever wanted to turn on the lights in your house, or open and close the curtains, while away on holiday? Want to be able to play the same music in every room, controlled from your laptop or mobile phone? Do you want to do these things without an expensive off-the-shelf kit | INDEX LM12U 7-8 LM15EB 8-9 LM15ES 8 micromodule with dimmer LWM1 10 wall switch LW10U 9 X10 modules 2 laptops hacking 80 LD11 module 11 LEGO Mindstorms hacking 60-61 leJOS NXJ 61 libdvdcss2 87 lifestyle applets 245-248 light switches C-Bus 29 light-dependent resistor LDR 66 lights computer 120 line-of-sight problem IR controls and 4142 Linksys NLSU2 developing on 51 hacking 49-51 always on 58 hardware 58-59 overclocking 58-59 serial port 59 Linux distributions 105-107 operating system 105 running on Xbox 56-57 software 40 105-107 Linux accounts 220 Linux box configuring 95-98 preparing filesystem 97 preparing machine 96 preparing master server 97-98 LinuxDC 53 LIRC Linux Infra-Red Remote Control 46-47 Live Departure Boards 191 living room as location for Node0 121 LM12U lamp module 7-8 LM15EB lamp module 8-9 LM15ES lamp module 8 local control modules 6 localization issues 157 location-based messaging 236 loft as location for Node0 122 LOGFILE directive 154 logging conduit 227 Logical Block Addressing LBA 91 lstatus command 261 LW10U wall switch 9 LWM1 micromodule 10 LXDream 53 M machine name 97 macros 24 MagpieRSS 201-203 mail retrieval 151 278 INDEX mail transfer agent MTA 151 mail user agent MUA 151 main applet 242-243 mains line-powered control 1-27 mains-powered devices hacking 81-83 Manifest 256-257 Marple 222 257-260 Bearskin compatibility 260 protocol handling 258-260 workings 258 matrix switchers 108-111 266 maxi controller SC2800 17 MBROLA 162 MC460 controller 16 media access web-based 173-174 media applets 243-245 media data extracting 86-91 local processing vs. remote processing 107 media extenders 98-107 EmprexME1 104 MediaMVP 99-103 Squeezebox 103-104 stand-alone hardware 99-103 Xtremer 103 Media MVP 95 99 bootup procedure 99 media center 100-103 other functionality 103 server creation 99-100 video transcoding 101-102 weather reports 101 media playback NAS with 94-95 output from devices 107 media player software 105-107 media plug-ins 174 media .