This book grew out of the notes of the course on quantum field theory that I give at the University of Geneva, for students in the fourth year. Most courses on quantum field theory focus on teaching the student how to compute cross-sections and decay rates in particle physics. This is, and will remain, an important part of the preparation of a high- energy physicist. However, the importance and the beauty of modern quantum field theory resides also in the great power and variety of its methods and ideas. These methods are of great generality and provide a unifying language that one can apply to domains as different. | OXFORD MASTER SERIES IN STATISTICAL COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS OXFORD MASTER SERIES IN PHYSICS The Oxford Master Series is designed for final year undergraduate and beginning graduate students in physics and related disciplines. It has been driven by a perceived gap in the literature today. While basic undergraduate physics texts often show little or no connection with the huge explosion of research over the last two decades more advanced and specialized texts tend to be rather daunting for students. In this series all topics and their consequences are treated at a simple level while pointers to recent developments are provided at various stages. The emphasis in on clear physical principles like symmetry quantum mechanics and electromagnetism which underlie the whole of physics. At the same time the subjects are related to real measurements and to the experimental techniques and devices currently used by physicists in academe and industry. Books in this series are written as course books and include ample tutorial material examples illustrations revision points and problem sets. They can likewise be used as preparation for students starting a doctorate in physics and related fields or for recent graduates starting research in one of these fields in industry. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 1. M. T. Dove Structure and dynamics an atomic view of materials 2. J. Singleton Band theory and electronic properties of solids 3. A. M. Fox Optical properties of solids 4. S. J. Blundell Magnetism in condensed matter 5. J. F. Annett Superconductivity 6. R. A. L. Jones Soft condensed matter ATOMIC OPTICAL AND LASER PHYSICS 7. C. J. Foot Atomic physics 8. G. A. Brooker Modern classical optics 9. S. M. Hooker C. E. Webb Laser physics PARTICLE PHYSICS ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY 10. D. H. Perkins Particle astrophysics 11. Ta-Pei Cheng Relativity gravitation and cosmology STATISTICAL COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS 12. M. Maggiore A modern introduction to quantum field .