tailieunhanh - 8th Grade Reading Comprehension and Writing skills_06

Tham khảo tài liệu '8th grade reading comprehension and writing skills_06', ngoại ngữ, kỹ năng viết tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | WRITING WITH FOCUS AND CLARITY SKILL BUILDING UNTIL NEXT TIME 1. Read a news article or short essay today. What is the author s main idea Who is the intended audience for the text Is the tone detached and serious silly lighthearted or something else If you planned to write about this same topic would you select the same audience style and point of view 2. Find an essay or paper you recently wrote for a class and evaluate your writing. Does the essay stay focused on the main idea Are there any dead-end details Are your assertions or thesis supported with descriptive details Who is the audience for the text What point of view did you use If you could revise the essay now what are two things you would do differently Answers Exercise 1 1. b. This is the strongest thesis because it is focused on the topic takes a position and outlines how the essay will answer the question. Choices a and c do not directly address the prompt which suggests that the essay will lack focus. Choice d hints that the author will talk about playing with the new pony over the summer which would address the prompt but it is less clear and direct than choice b. Choice d would be a good essay opener but a poor thesis statement. 2. d. This thesis directly addresses the prompt clearly states the author s position notice the clue word essential and focuses the structure of the essay. Choice a takes a position and suggests an outline for the following argument but does not quite address the question of the space program s importance. choice b does not address the prompt. Choice c directly addresses the prompt and takes a position but does not provide any detail about how the author will proceed. It is an acceptable thesis but not the best one because it doesn t help the reader know why the space program is unimportant. 3. d. This thesis clearly answers the prompt and takes a position that can be supported through the rest of the essay. choice a makes a strong statement but does not quite address the .