tailieunhanh - Major  Systems Acquisition  Manual (MSAM) 

The Project Initiation Stage must also define what resources and associated time commitment are required to carry out the project. The work breakdown structure provides a basis from which this estimation can be carried out. The resource and time commitment can be used to calculate an end date for the project and an estimate of its cost. This information is key input into the establishment of a business case for the intended project. The overall project schedule is not at a sufficient level of detail to enable the allocation of actual resources to tasks, or to control progress. It is necessary to produce a more detailed plan. | Major Systems Acquisition Manual MSAM Mission Execution Begins Here COMDTINST NOV 2010 COMDTINST This page intentionally left blank United States Coast Guard . Department of Homeland Security Commandant United States Coast Guard 2100 2nd Street SW Stop 7111 Washington DC 20593-7i 11 Staff Symbol CG-924 Phone 202 475-3150 Fax 202 475-3903 COMDTINST NOV 1 2010 COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION MANUAL Subj MAJOR SYSTEMS ACQUISITION MANUAL Ref a Department of Homeland Security Directive 102-01 b Department of Homeland Security Instruction Guidebook 102-01-001 1. PURPOSE. To establish policy procedures and provide guidance for the implementation of the Department of Homeland Security Acquisition Management and Review Process detailed in reference a . 2. ACTION. All Coast Guard unit commanders commanding officers officer-in-charge deputy assistant commandants and chiefs of headquarters staff elements shall comply with the provisions of this Manual. Internet release is authorized. 3. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. The Major Systems Acquisition Manual COMDTINST Versions and are cancelled. 4. COAST GUARD MAJOR SYSTEMS ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT. This Major Systems Acquisition Manual MSAM defines the policy and process for major systems acquisition projects. Detailed procedures are provided for applying a uniform and disciplined approach to acquisition planning and project management from mission analysis and requirements generation through design development production and deployment. The purpose of this revision is to align Coast Guard major acquisition policy with DHS acquisition management policy and processes established in references a and b and to continuously improve the policies and procedures applicable to major acquisitions. DISTRIBUTION - SDL No. 156 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B 1 C D E F G H NON-STANDARD .