tailieunhanh - English to the Max_05

Tham khảo tài liệu 'english to the max_05', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | ACING THE ESSAY exercises that take the fun out of writing. Diagramming sentences identifying nouns and verbs or labeling adjectives seems far removed from the skill of writing. Appealing to emotion intellect and curiosity will really succeed in engaging the whole student and awakening the urge to write. Sample 4 Essay I believe writing can be taught if we work hard enough at it as teachers. The important thing is to teach students that it can be enjoyable. Years of fearing writing lie behind a lot of students and it s one of the biggest stumbling blocks. But it can be gotten over. Having them break up into small groups is one way to teach writing to reluctant or ill-prepared students. Have the students discuss a topic they are all interested in say a recent TV show or an event coming up at school then plan a paper and come back and discuss the idea with the whole class. Your next step can be to have them actually write the paper then get into their small groups again and criticize what theyve done. Another way for students who don t like the small groups is one on one conferences. But dont just talk about grammar or sentence structure or paragraphing talk about the content of his paper. I did a summer internship teaching in an innter city school and I rememmber one young man. He hated small groups so we talked privately. He had written a paper on going to a city-sponsered camping trip and seeing white-tailed deer which was his first time. He was excited about it and I suggested he write a paper about his experience. He did and except for some trouble with grammar it was an A paper full of active verbs and telling detail Finally try to get your students to read. If you have to drag them to the community library yourself. Not only will it help their writing it will help them in life. Only by getting them interested in the written word and by helping them to see that it matters in their everyday lives can you really reach them and set them on the path of good .