tailieunhanh - Advanced Language Practice_05

Tham khảo tài liệu 'advanced language practice_05', ngoại ngữ, anh văn giao tiếp phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 5 Put one word in each space. Recently there have been doubts about the proper functioning of the English legal system after several well-publicised cases in 1 .which .police evidence was eventually shown to be suspect but only after the wrongful conviction of the accused. In several of 2 . cases the crimes involved acts of terrorism and the police were 3 .considerable pressure to discover 4 .had been responsible. Although this in 5 .way excuses the actions of police officers 6 . may have falsified evidence or suppressed evidence which worked against their case 7 .underlines the ways 8 .which publicity in the press and on television exercises an enormous influence 9 .the supposed guarantees under the law designed to prevent a jury 10 .becoming unduly influenced. The specific details of a criminal case are not discussed in the press before a case reaches the courts and the names of those involved 11 . often withheld. 12 . as many recent murder trials make clear the press all too often reaches its 13 .verdict to suit its taste for sensationalism and members of the police might be accused of enlisting the aid of the press by leaking details of a prosecution. Unfortunately far too few press reports of court cases examine the evidence 14 .the defence in the same spirit as 15 . for the prosecution. 6 Complete each sentence using the word in brackets in an appropriate form. a Don t be silly It .can t have been . can Sally. She s in Scotland. b But for your help I . win the prize. c By the end of this year we . marry each other for half a century d Never before . see such heavy snow in April. e Be that. may your behaviour is unacceptable. f If you d told me you were ill I . go the chemist s for you. g Try . might I just couldn t get the car started. h How kind of you But you really . should brought me a present. i Not until I looked at my watch . realise how much time had passed. j Philip agreed to rob the bank but then found he couldn t go it. .