tailieunhanh - Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology - part 6

Myeloblastic bệnh bạch cầu cấp tính (loại M0 qua M2 trong Bảng phân loại FAB). Về mặt hình thái, các quần thể tế bào thống trị phân tích tủy và xương CBC (Hình 31) nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn tương tự như myeloblasts trong quá trình bình thường | Predominance of Mononuclear Round to Oval Cells 95 Acute Myeloid Leukemias AML Morphological analysis makes it possible to group the predominant leukemic cells into myeloblasts and promyeloblasts monocytes or atypical lympho blasts. A morphological subclassification of these main groups was put forward in the French-American-British FAB classification Table 14 . In practical treatment-oriented terms the most relevant factor is whether the acute leukemia is characterized as myeloid or lymphatic. Including the very rare forms there are at least 11 forms of myeloid leukemia. Theml Color Atlas of Hematology 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 96 Abnormalities of the White Cell Series Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia Type Mo through M2 in the FAB Classification . Morphologically the cell populations that dominate the CBC and bone marrow analyses more or less resemble myeloblasts in the course of normal granulopoiesis. Differences may be found to varying degrees in the form of coarser chromatin structure more prominently defined nucleoli and relatively narrow cytoplasm. Compared with lymphocytes micromyeloblasts the analyzed cells may be up to threefold larger. In a good smear the transformed cells can be distinguished from lymphatic cells by their usually reticular chromatin structure and its irregular organization. Occasionally the cytoplasm contains crystalloid azurophilic needle-shaped primary granules Auer bodies . Auer bodies rods are conglomerates of azurophilic granules. A few cells may begin to display promyelocytic granulation. Cytochemistry shows that from stage M1 onward more than 3 of the blasts are peroxidase-positive. Characteristics of Acute Leukemias Age of onset Any age. Clinical findings Fatigue fever and signs of hemorrhage in later stages. Lymph node and mediastinal tumors are typical only in ALL. Generalized involvement of all organs sometimes including the meninges is always present. CBC and .