tailieunhanh - Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology - part 4

Thành phần tế bào trong tủy xương bình thường giá trị (%) giá trị trung bình (J. Boll) Red loạt tế bào - Proerythrocytes - Macroblasts (erythroblasts ưa bazơ) - Normoblasts (poly-và orthochromic erythroblasts) loạt bạch cầu trung tính - Myeloblasts Promyelocytes - Myelocytes Metamyelocytes - bạch cầu trung tính | Bone Marrow Cell Composition and Principles of Analysis 53 Table 4 Cell composition in the bone marrow normal values Median values J. Boll Median values and normal range K. Rohr Red cell series - Proerythrocytes 1 - Macroblasts basophilic 3 erythroblasts - Normoblasts poly-and 16 19 7-40 orthochromic erythro- blasts Neutrophil series - Myeloblasts 1 - Promyelocytes 3 - Myelocytes 14 15 5-25 - Metamyelocytes 15 5-20 - Band neutrophils 15 5-25 - Segmented neutrophils 7 Small cell series - Eosinophilic granulocytes 5 3 1-7 - Basophilic granulocytes 1 0-1 - Monocytes 2 2 - Lymphocytes 6 - Plasma cells 1 Megakaryocytes Cell densities vary widely -2 per view field during screening at low magni- fication. Ratios of Red Cell Series to White Cell Series. In the final analysis bone marrow cytology allows a quantitative assessment only in relative terms. The important ratio of red precursor cells to white cells is 1 2 for men and 1 3 for women. Shifts towards erythropoiesis are seen in all regenerative anemias hemorrhagic anemia iron deficiency anemia vitamin deficiency anemia and hemolysis pseudopolycythemia Gaisbock syndrome and polycythemia also in rare pseudo-regenerative disorders such as sideroachrestic anemia and myelodysplasias. Shifts toward granulopoiesis are seen in all reactive processes infections tumor defense and in all malignant processes of the white cell series chronic myeloid leukemia acute leukoses . Theml Color Atlas of Hematology 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 54 Normal Cells of the Blood and Hematopoietic Organs Distribution and Cell Quality in Erythropoiesis. In erythropoiesis polychromatic erythroblasts normally predominate. Proerythroblasts and basophilic erythroblasts only make up a small portion Table 4 . Here too a left shift indicates an increase in immature cell types and a right shift an increase in .