tailieunhanh - Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology - part 3

Các kết quả của nguyên phân của erythroblasts được gọi là normoblasts. Tên này bao gồm hai loại tế bào với hạt nhân tròn tương đối dày đặc và tế bào chất xám màu hồng. Các tế bào chưa trưởng thành trong tế bào chất hiển thị một màu xanh xám, mà vẫn có thể phân chia, bây giờ gọi là "đa sắc erythroblasts", | 32 Normal Cells of the Blood and Hematopoietic Organs Mature Red Blood Precursor Cells Polychromatic and Orthochromatic Erythroblasts Normoblasts and Reticulocytes The results of mitosis of erythroblasts are called normoblasts. This name covers two cell types with relatively dense round nuclei and grayish pink stained cytoplasm. The immature cells in which the cytoplasm displays a grayish blue hue which are still able to divide are now called polychromatic erythroblasts while the cells in which the cytoplasm is already taking on a pink hue which contain a lot of hemoglobin and are no longer able to divide are called orthochromatic erythroblasts. The nuclei of the latter gradually condense into small black spheres without structural definition that eventually are expelled from the cells. The now enucleated young erythrocytes contain copious ribosomes that precipitate into reticular net-like structures after special staining see p. 11 hence their name reticulocytes. To avoid confusing erythroblasts and lymphoblasts Fig. 9 d note the completely rounded very dense normoblast nuclei and homogeneous unstructured cytoplasm of the erythroblasts. Diagnostic Implications. Polychromatic and orthochromatic erythroblasts may be released into the bloodstream whenever hematopoiesis is activated . in the compensation or treatment stage after hemorrhage or iron or vitamin deficiency. They are always present when turnover of blood cells is chronically increased hemolysis . Once increased blood regeneration has been excluded the presence of erythroblasts in the blood should prompt consideration of two other disorders extramedullary production of blood cells in myeloproliferative diseases p. 114 and bone marrow carcinosis with destruction of the blood-bone marrow barrier p. 154 . In the same situations the reticulocyte counts after special staining are elevated above the average of 25 O for men and 40 o for women respectively and can reach extremes of several hundred per mill. Fig.