tailieunhanh - To improve the health of women through the establishment of Offices of Women’s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services
Nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy usually lead to intrauterine growth retardation, which is one of the main causes of foetal and infant undernutrition in developing countries. Every year, 30 million newborns, or 23% of 126 million births per year, are affected by intrauterine growth retardation; by contrast, in developed countries the rate is only about 2% (World Health Organization 2000a). A significant proportion of infant mortality, in particular within the first month of life, is also attributable to poor maternal health and nutrition during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period (United Nations Children’s Fund 1999). . | AUTHENTICATED . GOVERNMENT INFORMATION GPỌ I 110TH CONGRESS W W ARA 1ST Session jh. . IH z To improve the health of women through the establishment of Offices of Women s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services. IN THE house of representatives February 15 2007 Mrs. Maloney of New York for herself Ms. Pryce of Ohio Mr. VAN Hollen Mrs. Capps Ms. DeLauro Ms. Norton Mr. Crowley Mrs. Lowey Mr. Marshall Ms. Slaughter Ms. Sutton and Mr. Fattah introduced the following bill which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce A BILL To improve the health of women through the establishment of Offices of Women s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the Women s Health Office 5 Act of 2007 . 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SEC. 2. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES OFFICE ON WOMEN S HEALTH. a Establishment. Part A of title II of the Public Health Service Act 42 . 202 et seq. is amended by adding at the end the following SEC. 229. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES OFFICE ON WOMEN S HEALTH. a Establishment of Office. There is established within the Office of the Secretary an Office on Women s Health referred to in this section as the Office . The Office shall be headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women s Health who may report to the Secretary. b Duties. The Secretary acting through the Office with respect to the health concerns of women shall 1 establish short-range and long-range goals and objectives within the Department of Health and Human Services and as relevant and appropriate coordinate with other appropriate offices on activities within the Department that relate to disease prevention health promotion service delivery research and public and health care professional education for issues of particular concern to women 2 .
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