tailieunhanh - Sexuality Issues and Gynecologic Care of Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities

Women’s nutritional conditions differ widely among and within countries. Such conditions are worst in the less-developed regions and countries of the world, where poverty, social disparities, discrimination, and different kinds of malnutrition affect large populations. The nutritional and health status of women may be severely impaired in societies where the political and cultural context allows extreme conditions of subordination, as well as in those countries where the threat of hunger persists because of political conflicts, migration, environmental degradation, or natural disasters. On the other hand, not all women who live in developing countries experience nutritional problems in the same way,. | Sexuality Issues and Gynecologic Care of Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities Donald E. Greydanus MDa Hatim A. Omar MDb KEYWORDS Developmental disabilities Sexuality Gynecology Sexuality education Sexuality is a complex phenomenon that involves intricate interactions between the individual s biologic gender core identity sense of maleness or femaleness and gender role behavior nonsexual and sexual .1-3 Sexuality continues to be a core and profound component of humanity in which human beings need other humans. This capacity for giving and receiving love and affection remains throughout life. The success or failure encountered by children and youth with regard to their sexual system development significantly contributes to the potential success or failure of their appropriate transition to adult life. A common myth among parents and society in general about youth with disabilities or even chronic illness is that these children and adolescents are asexual that they suppress their sexual needs because of their disability are not subject to sexual abuse and do not require any type of sexuality Parents and primary care clinicians must be educated that such concepts are not true and that all adolescents whether healthy or not are sexual human beings and need comprehensive sexuality 5 11-31 Parents and clinicians must understand that normal development of adolescence implies that youth must learn to emancipate from parents and develop a normal sense of self-identify within the reality of their cognitive abilities. Youth must learn to understand who they are as functional and sexual human beings. a Pediatrics and Human Development Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Michigan State University Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies 1000 Oakland Drive Kalamazoo Mi 49008-1284 USA b Adolescent Medicine and Young Parent Programs J422 Kentucky Clinic University of Kentucky Lexington KY 40536 USA Corresponding author. E-mail address .