tailieunhanh - Social Determinants of Urban Indian Women’s Health Status

Anti-choice activists already succeeded in changing the legal standards for assessing restrictions on a woman’s right to choose; in Casey (1992), the court abandoned the most exacting standard of legal review applied to fundamental rights, “strict scrutiny,” and instead implemented the less protective standard of asking merely whether a restriction imposes an “undue burden” on a woman’s right to choose. 33 A second avenue of attack on Roe is to restrict or eliminate altogether its protections for women’s health. Anti-abortion activists consider the protection of women’s health to be a “loophole” that must be closed. As they see. | Social Determinants of Urban Indian Women s Health Status Jyotsana Shukla Amity University India KEYWORDS INDIAN WOMEN HEALTH SOCIAL DETERMINANTS POVERTY VIOLENCE Indian urban women have come a long way regarding careers and social standing. However they still remain unaware of their personal well-being and health needs. Often they ignore their health problems until the problems become unavoidable chronic or even fatal. The present paper focuses on the determinants of women s health in urban India including accessibility of health services education gender class and geographical location employment availability of services social history and culture. The paper also suggests some changes required in policies for improving urban women s health in India. Background Vandana Mishra states I am a natural winner and I had always believed that nothing but the best can happen to me If only I had thought that even I can be sick. If only I had known that cancer will not spare me despite my looks my fitness my job and pay packet. If only I had taken some time out for myself Uterine Cancer Stage III patient Biswas 2010 . Health status is no longer considered an outcome solely of lifestyle choices. It is now believed that health is also influenced by social political and economic factors. The sum-total of these factors are called the determinants of health. The current understanding of women s health has gone beyond singular individual biomedical perspectives to include diverse factors such as the family community population psychosocial and cultural understandings. Social determinants of health also include such factors as education income employment working conditions environment health services and social support Wuest et. al. 2002 . The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25 states that Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of him herself and his her family including food clothing housing and medical care and .