tailieunhanh - Governance and organizational structure of the inter-agency secretariat to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (ISDR)

An economy’s trade patterns create one channel for the cross-border transmission of shocks. While the average economy in our data had a current account very close to zero in 2007, the range is quite large. Trade openness, measured by the ratio of the sum of exports plus imports to GDP, captures the importance of trade. The average in our data is 98% of GDP, but the standard deviation of 66 percentage points implies a wide distribution. Finally, a country’s natural endowment may play a role in its macroeconomic performance. Of the 46 economies in our sample, 8 are known as commodity exporters, whether of oil. | INTERNAL AUDIT DIVISION AUDIT REPORT Governance and organizational structure of the inter-agency secretariat to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction ISDR The ISDR secretariat s current administrative arrangements require a review to define its requirements and to allow for more effective financial management 28 July 2010 Assignment No. AN2009 387 01 United Nations Ệ Nations Unies INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR OFFICE OF INTERNAL OVERSIGHT SERVICES BUREAU DES SERVICES DE CONTRÔLE INTERNE INTERNAL AUDIT DIVISION DIVISION DE L AUDIT INTERNE TO Ms. Margareta Wahlstrom Assistant Secretary-General for DATE 28 July 2010 A Disaster Risk Reduction and Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action F RỊP M Fatoumata Ndiaye Director -PI- Internal Audit Division OIOS REFERENCE IAD 10- SUBJECT Assignment No. AN2009 387 01 - Audit of the governance and organizational structure of the OBJET inter-agency secretariat to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction ISDR 1. I am pleased to present the revised report on the above-mentioned audit in response to your 14 June 2010 memorandum. The revision supersedes OIOS 10 May 2010 audit report. 2. Please note that OIOS will report on the progress made to implement its recommendations particularly those designated as high risk . recommendations 2 4 5 and 6 in its annual report to the General Assembly and semi-annual report to the Secretary-General. cc Mr. John Holmes Under-Secretary-General OCHA Mr. Swatantra Goolsarran Executive Secretary UN Board of Auditors Ms. Susanne Frueh Executive Secretary Joint Inspection Unit Mr. Moses Bamuwamye Chief Oversight Support Unit Department of Management Mr. Byung-Kun Min Special Assistant to the USG-OIOS Form AUD-3 8 2 January 2009 INTERNAL AUDIT DIVISION Function The Office shall in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Financial Regulations and Rules of the