tailieunhanh - Industry Standard Financial Statement - This Statement is for use in the MARP

Some organizations are deliberately using mobile money to enhance their traditional offerings. For example, during a recent drought in Niger, a set of randomly selected house- holds received cash transfers via mobile money (Aker et al. 2011). In comparison with physical cash, this trial found lower variable costs for senders, as well as lower costs for recipients. Over the course of the crisis, recipient households also enjoyed better diets and depleted fewer assets. Insurance, credit, and savings services are now being developed atop mature mobile money systems. Kilimo Salama is a micro-insurance product that uses M-PESA to provide payouts to smallholder farmers whose crops fail. In its second year of. | Industry Standard Financial Statement This Statement is for use in the MARP Section A Account Borrower Details Borrower Information Borrower 1 Borrower 2 A1 Name A2 Mortgage Account Reference No s A3 Outstanding Mortgage Balance A4 Estimated Current Value of Primary Residence A5 Monthly Mortgage Repayments Due A6 Correspondence Address A7 Property Address if different to correspondence Address Please indicate preferred contact method A8 Home Telephone A9 Mobile A10 Work Telephone A11 E-mail A12 Marital Status A13 Date of birth A14 No. and age of dependent children Child1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 A15 Total number in household A16 Employed Y N if self-employed give details A17 Occupation if unemployed give previous occupation A18 In Permanent employment Y N A19 Name of Employer Length of Service A20 Reason s for Review Arrears 1 Section B Your Monthly Income Borrower 1 Borrower 2 TOTAL B1 Gross Monthly Salary before tax and any other deductions at source B2 Net Monthly Salary after tax and any other deductions at source 1 B3 Monthly Social Welfare Benefits Please list B3 a Benefit- B3 b Benefit- B3 c Benefit- B4 Child Benefit B5 Mortgage Interest Supplement B6 Family Income Support B7 Maintenance B8 Other . Pension room rent grants Please Specify B9 Monthly Income from Property assets other than primary residence see E5 B10 Monthly income from non-property assets see F8 B11 Total Monthly Income sum of B2 to B10 Vs ss ss s G1 1 Do not include any deductions made from your salary at source . pension contribution health insurance etc. anywhere else on this form. Section C Monthly Household Expenditure Average Charge2 Arrears where applicable Utilities C1 Electricity C2 Gas Oil C3 Phone Landline Internet 3 C4 TV Cable3 C5 Mobile Phone C6 Refuse Charges C7 TV Licence Household C8 Childcare C9 Elderly care . carer nursing home fees etc C10 Food Housekeeping Personal Care C11 Clothing and Footwear C12 Household Repairs Maintenance Transport Costs C13 Petrol C14 .