Tham khảo sách 'principles of tissue engineering 3rd edition - part 2 (end)', y tế - sức khoẻ, y dược phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Bioartificial Pancreas Athanassios Sambanis I. Introduction II. Cell Types for Pancreatic Substitutes III. Construct Technology IV. In Vivo Implantation V. Concluding Remarks VI. Acknowledgments VII. References I. INTRODUCTION Diabetes is a significant health problem affecting an estimated million people in the United States alone with nearly million afflicted with type 1 diabetes http dm pubs statistics 7 . Type 1 diabetes results from the loss of insulin-producing cell mass the P-cells of pancreatic islets due to autoimmune attack. Type 2 diabetes has a more complicated disease etiology and can be the result of not producing enough insulin and or the body s developing a resistance to insulin. Although initially controlled by diet exercise and oral medication type 2 diabetes often progresses toward insulin dependence. It is estimated that insulin-dependent diabetics both types 1 and 2 exceed 4 million people in the United States. Although insulin-dependent diabetes IDD is considered a chronic disease even the most vigilant insulin therapy cannot reproduce the precise metabolic control present in the nondiseased state. The poor temporal match between glucose load and insulin activity leads to a number of complications including increased risk of heart disease kidney failure blindness and amputation due to peripheral nerve damage. Providing more physiological control would alleviate many of the diabetes-related health problems as suggested by findings from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group 1997 and its continuation study DCCT EDIC NEJM 353 25 2643-53 2005 . Cell-based therapies which provide continuous regulation Principles of Tissue Engineering 3rd Edition ed. by Lanza Langer and Vacanti of blood glucose through physiologic secretion of insulin have the potential to revolutionize diabetes care. Several directions are being considered for cell-based .