tailieunhanh - Báo cáo y học: "Etanercept versus etanercept plus methotrexate: a registrybased study suggesting that the combination is clinically more efficacious"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học General Psychiatry cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: Etanercept versus etanercept plus methotrexate: a registrybased study suggesting that the combination is clinically more efficacious. | Available online http content 5 6 R347 Research article Open Access Etanercept versus etanercept plus methotrexate a registrybased study suggesting that the combination is clinically more efficacious Ronald F van Vollenhoven1 Sofia Ernestam2 Anders Harju1 Johan Bratt2 and Lars Klareskog1 Department of Rheumatology Karolinska Hospital Stockholm Sweden 2Department of Rheumatology Huddinge Hospital Stockholm Sweden Correspondence Ronald F van Vollenhoven e-mail Received 27 May 2003 Revisions requested 26 Jun 2003 Revisions received 14 Aug 2003 Accepted 19 Aug 2003 Published 1 Oct 2003 Arthritis Res Ther 2003 5 R347-R351 DOI ar1005 2003 van Vollenhoven et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd Print ISSN 1478-6354 Online ISSN 1478-6362 . This is an Open Access article verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose provided this notice is preserved along with the article s original URL. Abstract Etanercept can be used both as monotherapy and in combination with methotrexate MTX but direct comparisons of these two options have not yet been reported. In order to compare the results seen in actual practice between these two options clinical data on 97 patients followed in the Stockholm TNFa Follow-Up Registry were analysed. In 57 of these patients etanercept was added to previously started MTX while the others were treated with etanercept alone. The two groups had similar levels of disease activity at baseline. After 3 months a significantly lower mean disease activity score 28-joint count-based disease activity score was attained by the patients on etanercept plus MTX. In this group the number of patients achieving European League Against Rheumatism-defined remission was also significantly greater. Other disease outcomes showed non-significant trends in the same direction. These data suggest that the combination of etanercept plus MTX is clinically more efficacious than .