tailieunhanh - Exposure Draft Update to Joint GAO/PCIE Financial Audit Manual (FAM)_part5
Cung cấp mô tả 4. Nếu thực thể là nợ, nợ quá hạn có hiệu lực và hiệu lực pháp luật nontax hơn 180 ngày, và không có thanh vào bộ sưu tập, nó sẽ thông báo cho Kho bạc về các khoản nợ cho cơ quan hành chính bù đắp và chuyển nợ với Kho bạc hoặc một bộ sưu tập nợ Treasurydesignated trung tâm cho bộ sưu tập hành động | Compliance 809 - Provisions Governing Claims of the . Government 31 . 3711-3720E Including the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 DCIA Name of entity Compliance Summary Prepared by Audit period Reviewed by Provision description Objective Control activities IS Y N Effective compliance controls Instances of noncompliance noted 4. If the entity is owed a valid and legally enforceable nontax debt delinquent over 180 days and there are no bars to collection it shall notify Treasury about the debt for administrative offset and refer the debt to Treasury or a Treasury-designated debt collection center for collection action. See notes 5 6 and 7. Type Procedural-based Ref 31 . 3711 g 1 and 9 31 . 3716 c 6 31 . 3719 a 31 . 3720A a and 5 . 5514 a 1 . 4. When nontax debt becomes delinquent over 180 days it is referred to Treasury for administrative offset and collection. See notes 5 6 and 7. See Compliance Audit Program 809 Step 5 b . 5. Unless waived by the entity a person may not obtain any loan other than a disaster loan or loan insurance or guarantee administered by the entity if the person has outstanding nontax delinquent federal debt. Delinquency is determined by Treasury regulations. Type Transaction-based Ref 31 . 3720B 5. Loans and loan insurance or guarantees are not granted to persons with delinquent nontax debt. See Compliance Audit Program 809 Step 4 b . August 2002 GAO PCIE Financial Audit Manual - Part II This is trial version Page 809-3 Compliance 809 - Provisions Governing Claims of the . Government 31 . 3711-3720E Including the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 DCIA Note Complete this program or prepare equivalent documentation only if provisions governing claims of the United States government as provided primarily in sections 3711-3720E of Title 31 . Code including provisions of the Debt Collection Act of 1996 are considered significant as indicated on Form 802 -General Compliance
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