tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Techniques for controlled synthesis of the Douglas-fir - Laccaria laccata ectomycorrhizal symbiosis"
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Techniques for controlled synthesis of the Douglas-fir - Laccaria laccata ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. | Ann Sã For 1991 48 641-650 Elsevier INRA 641 Technical note Techniques for controlled synthesis of the Douglas-fir - Laccaria laccata ectomycorrhizal symbiosis R Duponnois V J Garbaye 2 BIOCEM Laboratoire de Technology des Sentences avenue du Bois 1 Abbé 49070Beaucouzd 2INRA Centre de Recherches Forestidres de Nancy Champenoux 54280 Seichamps France Received 7 February 1991 accepted 16 August 1991 Summary Laccarialaccata Scop ex Fr Cke is an ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete which is very efficient for the controlled mycorrhization of Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga taxifolia Poir Britt . studying the biology of this symbiosis led to the development of a number of experimental techniques for aseptic and non-aseptic synthesis. This paper describes seed treatements fungal inoculum preparation substrates nutrient solutions aseptic experimental systems test tubes and Petri dishes and non-aseptic systems pot experiments in the glasshouse and bare-root nursery techniques. The specificity of each technique is discussed according to the experimental purpose. ectomycorrhizas I aseptic synthesis non-aseptic synthesis Pseudotsuga taxifolia I Lacca-rla laccata Résumé Techniques d étude de la symbiose ectomycorhizienne entre le douglas et Lacar-rta laccata. Laccaria laccata Scop ex Fr Cke est un champignon basidiomycdte ectomycorhizien très efficace pour la mycorhization contrôlée du douglas Pseudotsuga taxifolia Por Britt . L dtude de la biologie de cette symbiose a conduit à la mise au point d un certain nornbre de techniques expérị-mentales pour rdaliser sa synthdseen conditions aseptiques OU non aseptiques. Cette note ddcritle traitement des graines la préparation de inoculum fongique les solutions nutritives les substrats les systdmesexpérimentaux aseptiques tubes à essais fig 1 et boltesde Petri fig 2 et non asep-tiques expdriences en pots en serre figs 3 4 5 6 et techniques de pépinière dracines nues Les techniques aseptiques in vitro permettent d dtudier I effetde divers facteurs .
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