Ngoài việc không lệ thuộc của mô hình lập trình DEWIZ, cố gắng mô-đun của nó làm cho nó predestinated để đối phó với nhu cầu mang theo môi trường máy tính mới như Grid. Các module có thể được sắp xếp tùy tiện, tức là trong hệ thống DEWIZ mẫu nêu tại Mục 3 mô-đun OpenMP có thể được đặt ở một kiến trúc máy tính thân thiện với OpenMP, | glogin - Interactive Connectivity for the Grid 11 2. This solution has already been shown at the CrossGrid-Conference in Poznan in summer 2003 but at that time secure communication between the client and the remote program had not been implemented. References Basu03 Sujoy Basu Vanish Talwar Bikash Agarwalla Raj Kumar Interactive Grid Architecturefor Application Service Providers Technical Report available on the internet from http techreports 2003 July 2003 Chas02 Philips Chase Von Welch Wilkinson Simon GSI-Enabled OpenSSH available on the internet from http ssh January 2002 Cros01 The EU-CrossGrid Project http Cros04 Various Authors CrossGrid Deliverable Report on the Result of the WP3 2nd and 3rd Prototype pp 52-57 available on the internet from http Deliverables M24pdf February 2004 FoKe99 Foster Ian Kesselmann Carl The Grid Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 1999 GTK The Globus Toolkit http toolkit KuMi02 M. Kupczyk R. Lichwala N. Meyer B. Palak M. Pỉóciennik Roaming Access and Migrating Desktop Crossgrid Workshop Cracow 2002 Kran03 Kranzlmuller Dieter Heinzlreiter Paul Rosmanith Herbert Volkert Jens Grid-Enabled Visualisation with GVK Proceedings First European Across Grids Conference Santiago de Compostela Spain pp. 139-146 February 2003 Linn00 Linn J. Generic Security Service Application Program Interface RFC 2743 Internet Engineering Task Force January 2000 OSSH The OpenSSH Project http Perk90 Perkins Drew D. Point-to-Point Protocol for the transmission of multi-protocol datagrams over Point-to-Point links RFC 1171 Internet Engineering Task Force July 1990 Rekh96 Rekhter Yakov Moskowitz Robert G. Karrenberg Daniel de Groot Geert Jan Lear Eliot Address Allocation for Private Internets RFC 1918 Internet Engineering Task Force February 1996 .