tailieunhanh - Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission before the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”) Meeting Concerning Whois Databases Marrakech, Morocco June 2006

Good morning. I am pleased to have this opportunity to speak here today about Whois databases. I am Jon Leibowitz, one of five Commissioners of the United States Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “Commission”) in Washington, The FTC is an independent federal agency of the United States government, the lead agency charged with protecting Americans’ privacy, and the only agency in the United States empowered to enforce both competition and consumer protection laws. The FTC believes that the Whois databases, despite their limitations, are nevertheless critical to the agency’s consumer protection mission, to other law enforcement agencies around the world,. | Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission before the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICANN Meeting Concerning Whois Databases Marrakech Morocco June 2006 I. Introduction Good morning. I am pleased to have this opportunity to speak here today about Whois databases. I am Jon Leibowitz one of five Commissioners of the United States Federal Trade Commission FTC or Commission in Washington The FTC is an independent federal agency of the United States government the lead agency charged with protecting Americans privacy and the only agency in the United States empowered to enforce both competition and consumer protection laws. The FTC believes that the Whois databases despite their limitations are nevertheless critical to the agency s consumer protection mission to other law enforcement agencies around the world and to consumers. The use of these databases to protect consumers is at risk as a result of the Generic Names Supporting Organization s GNSO recent vote to define the purpose of Whois data as technical only. The FTC is concerned that any attempt to limit Whois to this narrow purpose will put its ability to protect consumers and their privacy in peril. The principal consumer protection statute that the FTC enforces is the FTC Act which prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices. 1 2 The FTC Act authorizes the FTC to stop 1 This written statement reflects the views of the Federal Trade Commission. My oral statements and responses to any questions you may have represent my own views and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or any individual Commissioner. 2 15 . 45. 1 businesses engaged in such practices. The FTC also can seek monetary redress and other equitable remedies for consumers injured by these illegal practices. The FTC is a civil law enforcement agency without criminal authority. The FTC has used its authority against unfair or deceptive acts or practices to take action against a wide variety of