tailieunhanh - Cleaning Windows XP FOR dummies phần 6

1. Chọn Công cụ ➪ Tùy chọn. Outlook sẽ hiển thị hộp thoại Options. 2. Trên tab Preferences, nhấn nút Junk E-mail. Outlook sẽ hiển thị Junk E-mail hộp thoại thể hiện trong hình 9-8. 3. Chọn xoá vĩnh viễn nghi Junk E-Mail Thay vì di chuyển đến Junk E-Mail thư mục tùy chọn. Không bạn yêu thích các hộp kiểm tra xem có đoạn mô tả kích thước của những gì họ làm? | Part IV The Operating System In this part. n Part IV you find out how to clean up the user interface streamline Windows and speed up the file system. In addition you discover when to update and when to get a new system. Chapter 12 Cleaning Up the User Interface Jn This Chapter Applying a deep cleaning to your desktop Configuring the menus to your liking Imposing order on the taskbar Getting clutter out of the Control Panel user interface is the way that Windows communicates with you the user. Windows allows you to tweak prod cajole and otherwise beat into submission most parts of the interface. Because the interface is almost elastic it can become a dumping ground for clutter and crud. Your mission should you decide to accept it cue the Mission Impossible theme is to use the same tactics of tweaking prodding and cajoling to beat the clutter and crud out of your user interface. This chapter shows you how and you quickly discover it s not an impossible mission. Master of the Desktop In the world defined by your computer your desktop is prime real estate. The things you place on the desktop should represent those items you work with the most. If you use the desktop properly you won t have to resort to the Start menu that often. Some folks idea of prime real estate is more akin to downtown Gary Indiana. I don t wanna hear from any readers on the economic development council in Gary about my supposedly disparaging remarks I used to live there The more icons you have on your desktop the harder you ll find it to use your desktop the way it was intended. Your desktop was originally intended as a place to do work. Imagine that If you clutter it up with every icon under the sun your desktop becomes a catchall not a place to work. The solution is to clean up your desktop and allow only the most critical .