A large body of research over several decades has grappled with how and whether fear can persuade consumers to change their health behaviors. Different models have been proposed to describe the cognitive and emotional processes involved. These include the curvilinear model (Janis, 1967; Quinn, Meenaghan, & Brannick, 1992), which posits that fear can persuade up to a certain threshold of tolerance, beyond which it becomes counterproductive; the parallel-response model (Leventhal, 1970), which proposes that emotional and cognitive factors act independently to mediate behavior, with emotional factors affecting internal attempts to cope with the threat (., by rationalizing or rejecting it) whereas cognitive factors determine whether the recommended behavior change will. | FAST FOOD TARGETED MARKETING Fast food marketers target specific groups with advertising. In particular children teens African-American youth and Hispanic youth. Each of these groups are targeted with marketing containing content that appeals to them specifically. Some of these groups are exposed to more fast food advertising overall. Click on the links below to find out how fast food restaurants target these groups and the impact it is having on their purchasing behavior. Children Teens African American Youth Hispanic Youth Sources FAST FOOD MARKETING Targeting children Advertising targeted to children directly Some fast food advertising appeals specifically to children. Characteristics of these ads include fun messages movie tie-ins kids meal promotions and licensed characters. On the internet characteristics include advergames and virtual worlds. Branding is prominent in child-targeted ads while food is not. When food is shown most restaurants feature their healthy options. McDonald s Burger King Subway and Dairy Queen target children directly with their TV and or internet advertising. McDonald s and Burger King target children the most. On TV children see one of their child-targeted ads each On the internet their child-targeted sites are visited most McDonald s advertises to children as young as age 2. It even has a website for preschoolers . Second-hand exposure The majority of fast food ads children see are intended for an older audience. Children see more than two ads per day promoting the same unhealthy menu items and value messages that appear in general audience advertising. Children frequently visit fast food restaurant main websites . those intended for general audience . and are visited the most each with 430 000 youth visitors Outcomes Children most frequently request to go to the restaurants that engage in the most child-targeted advertising. McDonald s ranks 1 in child requests to go to .