tailieunhanh - Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Applications Part 10

Tham khảo tài liệu 'mobile ad hoc networks applications part 10', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 306 Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Applications In this application a reliable network is required. To meet part of reliability requirements TCP protocol was fond to be the best supported protocol in the mobile device used in this system. TCP protocol is a reliable protocol used in communication when a reliable connection is required Comer 1997 . It allows two hosts to communicate and exchange data streams and guarantees the data delivery Stevens 1994 . Data packets are delivered in the same order they were sent. In contrast UDP does not provide guaranteed delivery and does not guarantee packet ordering Comer 2007 . Selecting which protocol to choose for a particular application mainly depends on the application requirements. These protocols have proven their value and made their way into Bluetooth and GSM networks. Bluetooth networks support both TCP and UDP communications Bray Sturman 2002 . Applications running on the Bluetooth networks can use any of these protocols to send and receive data. The most common way to send TCP and UDP packets over Bluetooth is using Bluetooth Radio Frequency Communications RFCOMM Ganguli 2002 . RFCOMM is a transport protocol that provides RS-232 serial port emulation. Bluetooth Serial Port Profile SPP is based on this protocol Huang 2007 Bluetooth Core Specifications Version . 2007 . GSM networks are similar to Bluetooth networks and wired local area networks. They support TCP and UDP communication protocols Delord et al. 1998 Eberspacher et al. 2001 Chakravorty et al. 2003 . Since wireless networks support the same communication protocol as wired local area networks applications running on wireless networks can communicate and exchange data with the applications running on wired local area networks. Application level protocols are created to support specific applications. These protocols can run on top of either TCP or UDP protocols. KREIOS protocol and LayerPro protocol in this application are examples of such protocols. It .