tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and mutational analyses of protein–protein interactions between transthyretin and retinol-binding protein

Transthyretin is a tetrameric binding protein involved in the transport of thyroid hormones and in the cotransport of retinol by forming a complex in plasma with retinol-binding protein. In the present study, we report the crystal structure of a macromolecular complex, in which human transthy-retin, human holo-retinol-binding protein and a murine anti-retinol-binding protein Fab are assembled according to a 1 : 2 : 2 stoichiometry. | Structural and mutational analyses of protein-protein interactions between transthyretin and retinol-binding protein Giuseppe Zanotti1 2 Claudia Folli3 Laura Cendron1 2 Beatrice Alfieri3 Sonia K. Nishida4 Francesca Gl ich1 Nicola Pasquato1 Alessandro Negro5 and Rodolfo Berni3 1 Department of ChemicalSciences and Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry-CNR University of Padua Italy 2 Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine Padua Italy 3 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Parma Italy 4 Department of Medicine FederalUniversity of Scio Paulo Brazil 5 Department of ExperimentalVeterinary Sciences and CRIBI University of Padua Italy Keywords Fab mutationalanalysis protein-protein interactions retinol-binding protein transthyretin Correspondence G. Zanotti Department of Chemical Sciences University of Padua Via Marzolo 1 35131 Padua Italy Fax 39 049 8275239 Tel 39 049 8275245 E-mail R. Berni Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Parma . Usberti 23 A 43100 Parma Italy Fax 39 0521 905151 Tel 39 0521 905645 E-mail Present address KCL Enterprises Ltd London UK Database Atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited at the Protein Data Bank PDB http for immediate release PDB 3BSZ for the TTR-RBP-Fab complex and PDB 3BT0 and 3CXF for the V20S and Y114H TTR variants respectively Received 23 July 2008 revised 22 September 2008 accepted 25 September 2008 doi Transthyretin is a tetrameric binding protein involved in the transport of thyroid hormones and in the cotransport of retinol by forming a complex in plasma with retinol-binding protein. In the present study we report the crystal structure of a macromolecular complex in which human transthyretin human holo-retinol-binding protein and a murine anti-retinol-binding protein Fab are assembled according to a 1 2 2 stoichiometry. The main interactions both polar and .