tailieunhanh - Flash CS5 THE MISSING MANUAL phần 7

Bạn muốn điều khiển chính xác về mọi khía cạnh của một tween? Hãy đến với Editor chuyển động. Chương này cho bạn thấy chi tiết làm thế nào để áp dụng và điều chỉnh chuyển động tweens của bạn, tập trung đặc biệt về kiểm soát biên tập chuyển động. Bạn sẽ bắt đầu với một bồi dưỡng về cài đặt trước chuyển động, | Getting Help for Events and Event Listeners you need for your script. Each event type MouseEvent KeyboardEvent ErrorEvent has related constants that you use when you create event listeners. You have to type these constants exactly as they re defined including capital letters underscores and so on for your event listener to work. In addition to the constants the events have properties you can use in your programs. For example MouseEvent has properties called altKey ctrlKey and shiftKey. These are Booleans and they can tell you whether a particular key is being pressed during a mouse event. You can use them to define say a special action for Shift-click and a different one for Alt-click. CODERS CLINIC Mouse Events Public Constants Here s the complete list of constants used by MouseEvent as shown in ActionScript Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform. The first word in capital letters is the constant you use to identify the event. The word after the colon String indicates that the constant is of the String type. The word in quotes is the constant s actual value. The most important part of this definition is the word in caps because that s the word you use to register listeners for a particular mouse event as explained in the next section. You can think of these constants as the specific triggers for a MouseEvent. CLICK String click DOUBLE_CLICK String doubleClick MOUSE_DOWN String mouseDown MOUSE_MOVE String mouseMove MOUSE_OUT String mouseOut MOUSE_OVER String mouseOver MOUSE_UP String mouseUp MOUSE_WHEEL String mousewheel ROLL_OUT String rollOut ROLL_OVER String rollOver Tip You can ignore the items with the red triangles next to their names unless you re planning on doing some AIR Adobe Integrated Runtime programming. The triangles indicate that these classes properties and methods are available only in AIR. For more details on AIR projects see Chapter 21 page 673 . Creating a Rollover with a Mouse Event So you know you want to listen for a mouse event .