In writing my biography of Tasman, forming part of Messrs. Frederik Muller and Co.'s edition of the Journal of Tasman's celebrated voyage of discovery of 1642-1643, I was time and again struck by the fact that the part borne by the Netherlanders in the discovery of the continent of Australia is very insufficiently known to the Dutch themselves, and altogether misunderstood or even ignored abroad. | 1 HE PART BORNE BY THE DUTCH IN THE DISCOVERY OF AUSTRALIA 1606 1765 THE PART BORNE BY THE DUTCH IN THE DISCOVERY OF AUSTRALIA 1606-1765. BY J. E. HEERES LL. D. PROFESSOR AT THE DUTCH COLONIAL INSTITUTE DELFT PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL DUTCH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY IN COMMEMORATION OF THE XXVth ANNIVERSARY OF ITS FOUNDATION No. 19. Little map of the world from the Journal of the Nassau fleet 1626 LONDON LUZAC CO 46 GREAT RUSSELL STREET W. C. 1899 CONTENTS. Page Images in English Page Images in Dutch List of books discussed or referred to in the work List of Maps and Figures Introduction DOCUMENTS L Dutch notions respecting the Southland in 1595 II. Notices of the south-coast of New Guinea in 1602 III. Voyage of the ship Duifken under command of Willem Jansz oon and Jan Lodewijkszoon Rosingeyn to New of the east-coast of the present Gulf of Carpentaria 1605-1606 IV. Fresh expedition to New Guinea by the ship Duifken 1607 V. Voyage of the ships Eendracht and Hoorn commanded by Jacques Le Maire and Willem Corneliszoon Schouten through the Pacific Ocean and along the north-coast of New Guinea 1616 VI. Project for the further discovery of the Southland--Nova Guinea 1616 VII. Voyage of de Eendracht under command of Dirk Hartogs zoon . Discovery of the West-coast of Australia in 1616 Dirk Hartogs-island and -road Land of the Eendracht or Eendrachtsland 1616 VIII. Voyage of the ship Zeewolf from the Netherlands to India under the command of supercargo Pieter Dirkszoon and skipper Haevik Claeszoon van discovery of the West-coast of Australia 1618 IX. Voyage of the ship Mauritius from the Netherlands to India under the command of supercargo Willem Jansz. or Janszoon and skipper Lenaert Jacobsz oon . Further discovery of the West-coast of 1618