The heightened interest in pain management is making the need for appropriate boundary setting within the clinician–patient relationship even more apparent. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine before hand, with any degree of certainty, who will become problematic users of pre- scription medications. With this in mind, a parallel is drawn between the chronic pain management paradigm and our past experience with problems identifying the “at-risk” individuals from an infectious disease model. By recognizing the need to carefully assess all patients, in a biopsychosocial model, including past and present aberrant behaviors when they exist, and by applying careful and reasonably set limits in the clinician–patient relationship, it is. | CORFU GREECE - 26 SEPTEMBER-2 OCTOBER 2009 FACING CHANGE IN LAW MEDICINE SCIENCE THE SEVENTH GREEK CONFERENCE hri The Seventh Greek Conference Facing Change in Law Medicine Science Rights Justice the Individual Grecotel Corfu Imperial Resort Eva Palace Kommeno Bay Kerkyra Corfu Greece 26 September to 2 October .