MOST of these stories were written on the veldt; at odd times, in out- of-the-way prospecting camps, in the wilds of the Kalahari Desert, or of that equally little-known borderland between Klein Namaqualand, and Gordonia, Cape Colony, and what was at that time known as German South- West Africa. Four of them appeared a few years back in The State an illustrated magazine now unhappily defunct; the others, though written about the same time, have never been published. | A RIP VAN WINKLE OF THE KALAHARI AND OTHER TALES OF SOUTH-WEST AFRICA A RIP VAN WINKLE OF THE KALAHARI AND OTHER TALES OF SOUTH-WEST AFRICA SEVEN STORIES BY FREDERICK CARRUTHERS CORNELL CAPETOWN T. MASKEW MILLER LONDON T. FISHER UNWIN LTD. CONTENTS PREFACE A RIP VAN WINKLE OF THE KALAHARI INTRODUCTORY I - THE BLUE DIAMOND II - DEAD MEN IN THE DUNES III - THE SAND-STORM IV -THE PANS AND THE POISON FLOWERS V - I LOSE INYATI VI - THE CRATER THE PLEASANT BERRIES SLEEP AND THE AWAKENING VII -THE COUNTRY OF CRATERS THE PATH OF SKULLS AND THE SNAKE VIII - THE CATACLYSM THE PRIESTESS LOOK AND FORGET IX -FORTY YEARS THE AWAKENING THE SALTING OF THE GREAT NORTH-EASTERN FIELDS BEING AN EPISODE IN THE LIFE OF DICK SYDNEY PROSPECTOR CHAPTER I II III IV V THE FOLLOWER THE PROOF BUSHMAN S PARADISE THE DRINK OF THE DEAD THE WATERS OF ERONGO PREFACE MOST of these stories were written on the veldt at odd times in out- of-the-way prospecting camps in the wilds of the Kalahari Desert or of that equally little-known borderland between Klein Namaqualand and Gordonia Cape Colony and what was at that time known as German South- West Africa. Four of them appeared a few years back in The State an illustrated magazine now unhappily defunct the others though written about the same time have never been published. And now time and circumstances have combined to bring the scene in which they are laid most prominently before the public. Through the dangerous and difficult barrier of the desert sandbelt that extends all along the coast General Botha and his formidable columns forced their way to Windhuk from the remote lower reaches of the Orange River other troops steadily and relentlessly pushed north and even to the east the well-nigh unexplored dunes of the southern Kalahari proved no safeguard to the Germans for Union forces invaded them even there and all eyes in South Africa are to-day turned towards this new addition to the Union and the Empire. Whilst imagination has naturally played the